Conversation Dialogue 8: Asking Someone's Major


Two people met at a coffee shop.


A: アリスさんは だいがくせいですか。
B: ええ、そうです。リーさんは?
A: わたしも だいがくせいです。
C later reports on this conversation.

アリスさんは だいがくせいです。そして、リーさんも だいがくせいです。アリスさんと リーさんは だいがくせいです。


key voc
1. だいがくせい college student(s)
2. also, too
3. そして and [connects sentences; used at the beginning of a sentence]
4. and [connects only nouns]

Key Vocabulary

1. いちねんせい first-year student; freshman
2. にねんせい second-year student; sophomore
3. さんねんせい third-year student; junior
4. よねんせい fourth-year student; senior
5. ごねんせい fifth-year student
6. ろくねんせい sixth-year student
A: Are you a college student, Alice?
B: Yes, I am. How about you, Lee?
A: I'm a college student, too.
C later reports on this conversation.

Alice is a college student. And, Lee is also a college student.
Alice and Lee are college students.


The Japanese educational system is organized as follows:

  1. 6 years of elementary school (しょうがっこう)
  2. 3 years of junior high school (ちゅうがっこう)
  3. 3 years of high school (こうこう)
  4. 4 years of college/university (だいがく)