連れて行く |
(う) to take (someone) to (a place) [personを placeに つれていく] |
(る) to teach |
朝寝坊する |
(irreg) to oversleep |
乗り遅れる |
(る) to miss (a train, bus, plane, etc.) [バスにのりおくれる: to miss the bus] |
送る |
(う) to send (someone/something to a place) [Xを Yに おくる: to send X to Y]; to walk along with (someone)/give a ride [personを placeまでおくる: to walk along with (someone)/give (someone) a ride to a place] |
送って行く |
(う) to take (someone) to (a place) often by a vehicle [personを placeまで (or に) おくっていく] |
道に迷う |
(う) to become lost; to lose one's way [まよう: to be confused; みちにまよう: (Lit.) to get confused with regard to roads] [Xに道を聞く: ask X for directions] |
間に合う |
(う) to be in time [Xに まにあわない: to be late (i.e., not in time) for X] |
起こす |
(う) to wake (someone) up |
(う) to treat (someone) to a meal [personに mealを おごる] |
落ち込む |
(う) to get depressed |
困る |
(う) to have difficulty; to be annoyed |
出す |
(う) to take (something) out; to submit (something) |
直す |
(う) to correct; to fix; to repair; to cure |
訳す |
(う) to translate [sourceを targetに やくす = ほんやくする] |
笑う |
(う) to laugh |
(る) to iron (clothes) [かける: to hang (on something) or to apply] |
集める |
(る) to collect |
入れる |
(る) to put (something) in [thingを placeに いれる. e.g., コーヒーに さとうを いれる; おちゃを いれる: to pour/serve tea] |
見せる |
(る) to show [somethingを personに みせる] |
案内する |
(irreg) to show (someone) around; to guide |
説明する |
(irreg) to explain |
迎えに来る |
(irreg) to come to pick up (someone) [placeに personを むかえにいく: to go to pick up (someone)] |