置く |
(う) to put/place; to lay (place に object を) |
気がつく |
(う) to notice (~に) |
蹴る |
(う) to kick (~を) |
ご飯を炊く |
(う) to cook rice |
刺す |
(う) to sting |
触る |
(う) to touch (~に・~を) |
叱る |
(う) to scold; to reprimand (~を) |
捕まる |
(う) to be arrested; to be caught/captured (~が) |
殴る |
(う) to strike; to hit; to punch (~を) |
盗む |
(う) to steal (~を) |
貼る |
(う) to paste; to post; to stick (place に object を) |
踏む |
(う) to step on (~を) |
振る |
(う) to jilt; to reject (a lover) (~を) |
文句を言う |
(う) to complain (~に) |
焼く |
(う) to burn (~を) |
続ける |
(る) to continue (~を) |
揚げる |
(る) to deep-fry (~を) |
(る) to bully (~を) |
炒める |
(る) to stir-fry (~を) |
鍵をかける |
(る) to lock (something) [かける is a る-verb.] (~に) |
煮る |
(る) to boil/simmer/cook (in sauce) (~を) |
褒める |
(る) to praise; to say nice things (~を) |
間違える |
(る) to make mistakes (~を) |
見つける |
(る) to find (~を) |
(る) boil (in water) (~を) |
行ってくる |
(irreg) to go (somewhere to do something) and come back |
買い物をしてくる |
(irreg) to go shopping and come back |
(irreg) to insult; to make a fool of (~を) |
(irreg) to be surprised (~に) |
昼寝をする |
(irreg) to take a nap |
連絡する |
(irreg) to contact (~に) |