雨が止む |
(う) the rain stops |
洗う |
(う) to wash; to clean with water (~を) |
(phr) to disappear; (someone) is gone |
お世話になる |
(う) to be under someone's care; to be taken care of by someone |
お腹を壊す |
(う) to have diarrhea; to upset stomach |
気に入る |
(う) to (come to) like; to become fond of (~が・~を) |
経つ |
(う) (time) passes (が after the time express is optional with たつ. e.g., テストがはじまって三十分(が)たった: It's been 30 minutes since the test began.) |
違う |
(う) to be different (~と) |
(phr) (something) disappears; to be lost (~が) |
迎えに行く |
(phr) to go (somewhere) to pick up (someone) (place に・へ person を) |
受ける |
(る) to take (an exam, interview, etc.) (~を); to receive/catch |
換える |
(る) to change/exchange (XをYに: to exchange X with Y) |
体に気をつける |
(phr) to take care of oneself |
答える |
(る) to answer (~に) |
離れる |
(る) (someone/something) separates (~と・~から); to leave (place) (~を) |
見つける |
(る) to find (~を) |
~顔をする |
(phr) to look … (facial expression) [e.g., さびしそうなかおをする: to look lonely] |
(irreg) to become disappointed (~に) |
我慢する |
(irreg) to be tolerant/patient (~を) |
残業する |
(irreg) to work overtime |
世話をする |
(irreg) to take care of ~; to look after ~ (~の) |
同情する |
(irreg) to sympathize with ~ (~に) |
(irreg) (tire) goes flat; to explode/burst (~が) |
戻ってくる |
(phr) (someone/something) comes back |
優勝する |
(irreg) to win a championship (~で) |